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Your One-Stop Solution for Landlord Safety Certificates in London

Landlord safety certificates are the cornerstone of responsible property management in London. We understand the complexities of maintaining compliance for your commercial and residential property. That’s why we offer a hassle-free solution to ensure your property in London is safe and your investment is protected.

Our Services

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Gas Safety

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Energy Performance

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Fire Safety

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Emergency Lighting Certificate

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Fire Risk Assessment

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Fuse Box Installation

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Boiler Installation

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Electric Diagnostics

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EICR Certificate

  • Wires: Check they’re good, not broken
  • Fuse Box: Make sure it’s safe, works right.
  • Earth and Bonding: Connect metal parts right for safety.
  • Lights, Plugs: Test if they work okay.

Gas Safety Certificate (CP 12)

  • Appliances Check Ensure function
  • Gas Leaks Detect, address
  • Ventilation Ensure air flow
  • Flue Condition Check integrity

Fire Risk Assessment (FRA)

  • Hazards Identify potential risks
  • Fire Detection Check alarm systems
  • Extinguishers Verify availability
  • Evacuation Plan Review effectiveness

Energy Performance Certificate

  • Insulation: Check for efficiency.
  • Heating System: Assess effectiveness.
  • Lighting: Verify energy usage.
  • Renewable Energy: Consider options.

Bespoke Package

  • Tailored Solutions: Personalized offerings.
  • Client Needs: Address specific requirements.
  • Unique Features: Customized elements.
  • Flexible Options: Adaptable to preferences.
  • Individualized Service: Personal attention.
  • Exclusive Solutions: Crafted for uniqueness.
  • Personal Touch: Tailored to your desires.
  • Made-to-Order: Customized to perfection.
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Who We Are

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We Provide a Wide-Range of Landlord Certification and Safety Services in London.

Landlord Electrical Safety Certificate

Ever had that sinking feeling when a fuse blows in your own home? Now imagine that happening in a property you’re responsible for, potentially putting tenants or employees at risk. Faulty electrics are a hidden danger, a ticking time bomb waiting to disrupt lives and damage your commercial and residential property.

That’s where a Landlord Electrical Safety Certificate (EICR) swoops in like a knight in shining armour. It’s not just for peace of mind with tenants. It’s a legal requirement for all landlords in London, whether you manage residential flats, bustling offices, or quirky retail spaces.

  • Don’t let electrical worries keep you up at night.
  • Schedule your EICR inspection today and transform your London property from a potential liability into a safe and compliant haven.
  • It’s a small investment for a giant leap towards electrical bliss.
  • Ready to banish electrical anxieties?
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What Should You Know About Landlord Gas Safety Certificates (CP12)

Landlord Gas Safety Certificates (CP12) is a cornerstone of ensuring the safety of your commercial and domestic properties and adhering to legal regulations within London’s real estate market.  These certificates, issued by Gas Safe registered engineers, verify that all gas appliances and flues within a property have undergone a thorough inspection and are functioning safely.

Landlord Certification offers a seamless and efficient solution for securing your CP12.  Our qualified personnel conduct comprehensive inspections, verifying appliance functionality and adherence to safety standards.  We keep you informed throughout the process and ensure your property remains legally compliant.

Schedule Inspection Today!

A Proactive Approach to Tenant Safety and Regulatory Compliance

Fire safety in domestic and commercial properties is a non-negotiable priority.  A fire incident can have devastating consequences, endangering the lives of your loved ones and causing significant property damage.  Fortunately, proactive fire safety measures significantly reduce the risk of such tragedies.

Landlord Certification offers comprehensive fire safety services in London designed to empower landlords with the knowledge and tools necessary to create a safe and compliant environment for their tenants.

Beyond Moral Imperative Legal Requirements and Compliance

While the protection of human life should be the driving force behind fire safety, legal considerations also play a crucial role.  In London, all commercial and domestic properties with gas appliances, including residential flats and commercial spaces like offices and shops, must adhere to specific fire safety regulations.  These regulations dictate requirements for fire alarm systems, escape routes, and risk assessments.  Failure to comply can result in hefty fines and potential legal repercussions.

Following the inspection, we provide a detailed report outlining our findings and recommendations for improvement. This report serves as a roadmap to implement necessary measures and ensure your property meets all fire safety regulations.

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Landlord Energy Performance Certificate

Showcase your property’s energy efficiency and attract environmentally conscious tenants with an EPC. An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) in London provides a rating on the energy efficiency of your rental property. We offer hassle-free EPC services to ensure you have a valid certificate to present to potential tenants.

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We Provide a Wide-Range of Landlord Certification and Safety Services in London.

Landlord Electrical Safety Certificate

Ever had that sinking feeling when a fuse blows in your own home? Now imagine that happening in a property you’re responsible for, potentially putting tenants or employees at risk. Faulty electrics are a hidden danger, a ticking time bomb waiting to disrupt lives and damage your commercial and residential property.

That’s where a Landlord Electrical Safety Certificate (EICR) swoops in like a knight in shining armour. It’s not just for peace of mind with tenants. It’s a legal requirement for all landlords in London, whether you manage residential flats, bustling offices, or quirky retail spaces.

  • Don’t let electrical worries keep you up at night.
  • Schedule your EICR inspection today and transform your London property from a potential liability into a safe and compliant haven.
  • It’s a small investment for a giant leap towards electrical bliss.
  • Ready to banish electrical anxieties?

Get a Free Quote

Landlord Gas Safety Certificate

Imagine this: it’s a busy Monday morning in your London office. Phones are ringing, emails are pinging, and then your phone buzzes with an urgent call. It’s the manager of your new restaurant downstairs, their voice laced with panic.
Customers are complaining of headaches and dizziness. The dreaded words “gas leak” hang heavy in the air. A faulty gas appliance, a silent threat lurking beneath the surface, could have turned your vibrant restaurant into a scene of chaos.
This terrifying scenario is entirely preventable with a Landlord Gas Safety Certificate (CP12). It’s not just about protecting your tenants (though their safety is crucial, of course!).
A CP12 is a legal requirement for all rental properties in London with gas appliances, including both residential flats and commercial spaces like restaurants and offices.
A gas leak in any space can be catastrophic, so a CP12 ensures everyone who uses your property breathes easily.

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Landlord Fire Safety Checking and Certificate

Imagine this: you wake up in the dead of night to the blaring of a smoke alarm. Panic sets in as you scramble to evacuate your property. A fire is a terrifying situation that could have been prevented with proper fire safety measures.
That’s where our fire safety services come in, acting as your shield against fire’s devastation. While fire safety is crucial for protecting your tenants, it’s also a legal requirement for all properties in London with gas appliances, including residential flats and commercial spaces like offices and shops.
Don’t gamble with your property and everyone in it.
Schedule a fire safety inspection today and transform your London property from a potential hazard into a safe and compliant haven with the best fire safety certificate landlord services in London.
It’s a small investment for a giant leap towards peace of mind.

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Landlord Energy Performance Certificate

Showcase your property’s energy efficiency and attract environmentally conscious tenants with an EPC. An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) in London provides a rating on the energy efficiency of your rental property. We offer hassle-free EPC services to ensure you have a valid certificate to present to potential tenants.

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Our Business Values


Forget the stress of last-minute scrambles. We prioritise efficient scheduling, swift inspections, and prompt certificate delivery, freeing you to focus on what matters most.


Our pricing is clear and upfront, so you know exactly what you are getting before you commit. Get a free quote today and experience the difference between the Landlord Certification and Landlord Certification.


You get peace of mind for your property without sacrificing financial security. Landlord Certification - Expertise you can trust, delivered at a price you can appreciate.


We understand your time is valuable. That's why our online booking system is a breeze. Schedule inspections in seconds, relax, and let us take care of the nitty-gritty.

Get Your Free Landlord Certificate Quote Today!

Managing rental properties in London requires peace of mind. At Landlord Certification, we streamline the process of obtaining all your essential Landlord Certificates.

3 Simple Steps to Your London Landlord Certificate

Managing commercial and residential properties in London can be a breeze with Landlord Certification.


Choose your service and schedule a convenient inspection for your property.


Our experts inspect your property, ensuring compliance with regulations.


Receive a clear report and your valid Landlord Certificate for peace of mind.


I'm renting a flat in London. Do I need a Landlord Electrical Safety Certificate?

Absolutely! By law, landlords in London must have a valid Landlord Electrical Safety Certificate (EICR) for their rental properties. This ensures the electrical wiring and appliances are safe for tenants.

My rental has a gas cooker and boiler. What certificate do I need?

You will need a Landlord Gas Safety Certificate (GSC) alongside your EICR. This ensures all gas appliances function safely and aren’t at risk of leaks or carbon monoxide poisoning.

Is there one general "Landlord Certificate" for everything?

There isn’t a single “Landlord Certificate.” Instead, several certificates cover different safety aspects in your rental property, like electrical, gas, fire, and energy efficiency.

Do I need a separate Fire Safety Certificate for my London rental?

Yes, you need a separate fire alarm testing and inspection certificate for your London rental. This ensures that the fire alarms are in proper working order and meet safety standards. It’s crucial for the safety of your tenants and is a legal requirement to comply with local fire safety regulations. Regular testing and certification help prevent potential fire hazards and ensure timely maintenance of fire alarm systems.

I'm interested in saving money on energy bills for my rental. Is there a certificate for that?

Yes! A Landlord Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rates your rental’s energy efficiency. A good EPC rating can attract eco-conscious tenants and lower energy bills.

How often do I need to get these landlord certificates renewed?

The renewal timeframe varies depending on the certificate. Landlord Electrical Safety Certificates (EICR) typically last five years, while Landlord Gas Safety Certificates (GSC) need renewal every year. Depending on local regulations, fire safety checks and EPC ratings may have different timeframes. It’s best to check with a qualified professional or local council for specific renewal guidelines.

I'm a tenant. Can I ask my landlord for copies of these certificates?

Yes! By law, landlords in London must provide their tenants with copies of all relevant safety certificates, including the EICR, GSC, and a copy of the most recent EPC rating. These documents should be given to you before you move in and upon renewal. If you haven’t received them, it’s best to request copies from your landlord.